Original Compositions
Wind Arrangements
Drill Design
Winter Guard


INSIDE THE DESIGN PROCESS (or how to write a show in just 8 months!)

The motive!I have often been asked exactly how I go about writing shows. People often wonder exactly what I do, mystified by the whole concept of working from home. I thought it might be interesting to document the creation of a show from the beginning of the concept all the way to the last performance of the season. I'll go through all aspects of the design process from the beginning formative concept, writing the music, designing the props and flags, coordinating with percussion, first rehearsals with the ensemble, writing the drill, and any modifications that we run into near the end of the season. In other words, everything.

The show we will follow is called "Under Construction", a show that was conceived and commissioned for the Athens High School Band in Troy, MI. It's quite possible that the title will change, but the general concept and design are pretty much set. The Athens Marching Band is a competitive group in Michigan that goes to BOA Grand Nationals every other year and has occasionally broken into semi-finals.